Updated the 2/05/2011
From allegories, the Jews have made truths, and from truths, myths!
The Bible is the various collections of sacred scriptures of the various branches of Judaism and Christianity.
I will try to separate this section into two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament but they are so intertwined that I shall go back and forth from one to the other one and vice versa.
Most people believe that the Judeo-Christian Bible is the Word of God, which is absolutely not the case.
In truth, the Bible is the word of the god of the Jewish people. Period.
And the god of the Jews is the enemy of humanity.
Almost everything in the Bible has been stolen from other religions that preceded the Judeo-Christian religions from hundred to thousand of years all around the world.
Almost everything in the Bible has been stolen from other religions that preceded the Judeo-Christian religions from hundred to thousand of years all around the world.
The Bible appears to be a compilation of texts based on old stories that were changed, re-arranged, adapted at different times to meet an hidden agenda.
The Old Testament is intended to show the uniting of all Jews throughtheir extraordinary story, the well-known Jewish solidarity, which in truth means loyalty to the Jewish race. In addition, the unique status of God's chosen people gives them a strong motivation and fanaticism to perform the role of their life as a duty.
The New Testament, also written by the Jews for the Gentiles, with its program called Christianity, has no other purpose than to conquer, to submit and finally to destroy the Gentiles.
The Torah is the founding text of Judaism for Gentiles / nonJews. But, for Jews, the only sacred text is the Talmud.
If at first, the Torah tells the story of a people, a nation, a religion, a specific identity, it becomes then a universal story. It is a religious basis for a political program of which the ongoing process for achievement is blatant.
The Torah, centre of the Hebrew Bible, is undoubtedly the first and most powerful tool of the Jewish propaganda. Its aim : to make up a story, basis for future prophetic events of which the New Testament is the final goal.
The Hebrews who will later become the Jews appear for the first time in the history of humanity at the end of the book of Genesis, around 3600 years ago. Then comes the Exodus that is the real start of the uncommon history of the Jewish people. Whereas there is no evidence that the Exodus took place, this story could be the staging of a situation that has actually existed, but not in this form, between Hebrews and Egyptians. It could have been "fitted" to conceal the true version. And above all, it has the huge advantage of giving from the outset the tone of the favorite role that the Jews will use excessively, namely: victimization and martyrdom. It is in this role that the Jews entered in human history!
It is interesting to read this excerpt of the book of TW Doane, Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions: "Jewish priests, in making a history for their race, have given us but a shadow of truth here and there; it is almost wholly mythical."
He continues : "The author of The Religion of Israel, speaking on this subjet says: 'The history of the religion of Israel must start from the sojourn of the Israelites in Egypt. Formerly it was usual to take a much earlier starting-point and to begin with a religious discussion of the religious ideas of thePatriarchs. And this was perfectly right, so long as the accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were considered historical. But now that a strict investigation has shown us that all stories are entirely unhistorical, of course we have to begin the history later on.' "1
It is interesting to read this excerpt of the book of TW Doane, Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions: "Jewish priests, in making a history for their race, have given us but a shadow of truth here and there; it is almost wholly mythical."
He continues : "The author of The Religion of Israel, speaking on this subjet says: 'The history of the religion of Israel must start from the sojourn of the Israelites in Egypt. Formerly it was usual to take a much earlier starting-point and to begin with a religious discussion of the religious ideas of thePatriarchs. And this was perfectly right, so long as the accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were considered historical. But now that a strict investigation has shown us that all stories are entirely unhistorical, of course we have to begin the history later on.' "1
Indeed, given that the amazing history of the Jewish people begins with the Exodus, there is no need to seek their whereabouts before. Because the Jews arrived from nowhere, they had to create a sustainable environment to support and wrap their story. In fact, they jumped the bandwagon and here we are now. Anyone who honestly scrutinizes the facts, not fanatically, will find that the coincidence between the story of the Jews in the Bible and all the current situation we live are too big to be natural and honest. In truth, the Jews carefully planned the whole story because they had from the beginning, all the necessary data and information in hand given by their god.
The Bible is nothing more than specifications for a precise work : the enslavement of the Gentiles before their extermination.
Nevertheless, it is unthinkable to challenge the sacred and religious character of the Torah. To do so would undermine the history and status of the chosen people and consequently would make collapse the whole civilization in which we are enchained because founded on the bible.
However, everything suggests that this text is an historical political religious fake used as entry visa in the history of humanity that enabled the establishment of the society in which we live and are held captive.
We live a mirage that unfortunately became reality because we have adhered to and still maintain it. We live a complete collective hallucination carefully nurtured and backed by the multitude of screens that make up our daily life of which the religious foundation is the Bible.
Let me explain.
If the Jews are on Earth to fulfill a specific mission which is to guide, or rather to manipulate humanity in order she goes blindly to her own destruction, they needed to step in human history with a more than respectable entry to strike the Gentile mind, namely; the Exodus. This story of Exodus is symbolically powerful both by the nature of the role played by the Hebrews as by the unbalance of forces between Egypt and the god of Israel whom we are told by the Bible that the latter wins. This story is far from trivial. If the facts narrated are false, it is still a key of understanding. The Exodus is part of the Hebrew Bible whose aim is to lay down the historical political religious framework of the divine mission of the Jews.
Because this text has a divine character, it is near impossible to deny! And it is exactly what was wanted. It establishes a pre-eminence of the Jewish people and their god, and consequently put the non-Jews in subservientness. The Gentile masses were immediately subjugated by the subliminal message. And in addition, for their entry in history, the Jews used Gentile characters who really existed of whom they changed their identities to turn them into Jewish.
"We shall now endeavor to answer the question which must naturally arise in the minds of all who see, for the first time, the similarity in the legends of the Hebrews and those of other nations, namely : have the Hebrews copied from other nations, or, have other nations copied from the Hebrews ? To answer this question we shall: first, give a brief account or history of the Pentateuch and other books of the Old Testament from which we have taken legends, and show about what time they were written ; and, second, show that other nations were possessed of these legends long before that time, and that the Jews copied from them." 2
Of course Jews have copied and especially from the ancient cultures of Asia, Middle and Far East. They did with the Bible exactly the same thing they do with everything. They steal what is not theirs, "fit" it according their needs and their goals, and claim paternity on the stolen materials. And most importantly, they always tell the opposite of the truth, in other words, they lie for everything all the time and impersonate the opposite of what they really are. For example, while they portray themselves as victims on stage, they are, behind the scenes, the worst torturers, inquisitors and executioners of humanity. To understand more clearly the Jewish strategy, you must use the opposite, the reverse of everything made public. The matter becomes more complex because they use a Gentile facade for their executioner, inquisitor, torturer role in order to not appear directly while when they are directly exposed, they assume their unique and favorite role : victims.
There are endless evidences proving beyond doubt that the bible is a fake concocted for propaganda purpose. It was designed as a means for psychological poisoning of which the current consequences are as blatant as devastating and of unprecedented catastrophic proportions.
The Bible gives to the Jewish people a story they never had.
The Bible ascribes the status of chosen people to the Jews which aims to prepare the non-Jewish populations to be submissive and subservient to the Jews. But the reality is quite different: the Jews are an army of mercenaries sponsored by a god, not God, and came to Earth to destroy the human race with precise instructions and the program that goes with it.
From there, the Bible was created from scratch using the historical material of polytheistic peoples and civilizations that preceded the advent of Judeo-Christian religions. This substance was taken, falsified, corrupted to fit the program. The Gentile stories and characters were "dressed" with new Jewish identities. The Gentiles / pagans have "recognized" them because these stories were evocative in their subconscious collective mind.
In addition, the Jews have created in their own army, a religious elite responsible to spend their days cursing and cursing again the Gentiles through Kabbalah, to facilitate the implementation of the program.
- spiritually: the Jews have established a religious and magical system that enables them for nearly two thousand years to obtain the psychic energy of Christians (through the prayer and devotion to Jesus who was a Jew, and none other than the Messiah) that they use to establish their domination. So the Christians, ancient Gentiles/Pagan pray since their conversion to Christianity for those who want to control them, to enslave them, and finally to destroy them.
- psychologically: the relationship of every Christian to his/her own destiny has been destroyed because he/she has been brainwashed and conditioned into believing that nothing depends on him/her and that his/her life and personal experience will have no major impact on his/her future, the future of his/her family, of his/her race and widely, of the planet. While the majority of Christians had "resigned"on the fundamental problems of our society and of the world ("that's the life"; "what can we do"... or close their eyes, bought by some money), the Jews became more confident, more arrogant, more aggressive, more determined than ever because unlike the Christians, they have been conditioned and brainwashed that, as the Chosen People, they have to protect their unique status, meaning that they have to play the role of their life. If one makes the link with the example of Eric Zemmour, who tells us that "the street follows him", the Christians (ancient Gentiles) transfer always their power to a Jew because he claims incontestable truths, verifiable hundred times and above all, he has an easy access to the medias while the Gentile not. He becomes their spokesman, their leader. And never forget that if the Christians/Gentiles have no common plan in the long run as a race, the Jews have one and pass the baton from a generation to another since the beginning of their history on Earth.
- financially: The Christians have been indoctrinated to let all the wealth, all the riches flow into the hands of the Jews. Let's listen to what says Jacques Attali in his book Les Juifs, le Monde et l'Argent ( The Jews, the World and Money) about the relationship of Christians and Jews towards money. "But for the Jews, it is worthwile to be rich while for the Christians it is recommended to be poor. For some, wealth is a means to better serve God; for others it can only prejudice redemption. For some, money can be an instrument of good; for others, its effects are always devastating. For some, everyone can enjoy the well-earned money; for others, it must burn one's fingers. For some, to die rich is a blessing when the money has been morally acquired and when all the duties have been accomplished towards the poors of the community ; for others to die poor is the necessary condition for redemption...."3
Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!”
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said again, “Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Mark 10: 23-24
"...In fact, we have seen that, for Jews, to earn interest on money is not immoral, and if we should not do so between Jews, it's because of solidarity, not moral prohibition. Money is like cattle, a richness and time must be valued. For Christians, on the contrary, as for Aristotle and the Greeks, the money - like time - do not produce wealth in itself, it is sterile, so to do trade of money is a mortal sin. This obsession with the sterility of money also refers to hatred of sexuality that is forbidden outside marriage. For the new Church, nothing should be fertile beyond what is created by God. Making the money work, it's fornicate ......" 4
".... The donations of Jews for their communities are limited to a fifth of their income. Conversely, one encourages Christians to give without limits to the Church."5
" The Gospels opposed Judas ((who agrees to receive thirty pieces of silver to betray Jesus (Matthew 27: 6-7) and then hopes to be cleared of his fault by giving them back)); to Mary Magdalene, who spreads for three hundred pence of perfume at the feet of Christ (Luke 7: 47), making of money a means of redemption and setting an example of an offering for the forgiveness of sins."6
In fact, for Christians, everything revolves around the sins. Therefore they must always pay for their sins, spiritually, psychologically and financially.
Their greatest sin, is because they are from divine descent because engendered by a god who dared to give his DNA to the race he created, the Gentiles, making of them gods to-be. This act was intolerable for the other gods, who saw a danger, a competition to their greatness. They could not accept this creation and decided to destroy the human race. 6 bis
It is in this context that the monotheistic religions and the Bible were created.
All what preceded the advent of the new judeo-christian religions had to be completely destroyed.
Let's read what the Talmud says about that : "The Books of the Minim (7) may not be saved from a fire, but they must burn in their place, they and the Divine Names occurring in them........And the Books of Minim are like blank spaces...."
"The blank spaces and the Books of the Minim; we may no save them from a fire. R.Jose said. On weekdays one must cut the Divine Names which they contain, hide them and burn the rest."8
So the Gentiles were tortured, brainwashed in order to reprogram their mind. Given the nature of their DNA, a very sophisticated program was necessary in order that they do not suspect the abominations they endured. But obviously the divine DNA that vibrates in them would show the tip of its nose and the Gentiles would not be so easy to destroy.....
All this preparedness has one goal: that the Christians, former Gentiles, accept a total submission in order to go quietly towards the "slaughterhouse".
To do this, The Gentile peoples were totally deprived of their powers, disarmed by the teachings of self-debasement of Christianity through the deadly New Testament. All these teachings are unnatural, the opposite of the natural principles of life. The Jews know it and have done this on purpose.
Fear, shame, guilt, concept of sin are tools to manipulate mind and body.
The list of the material stolen from the polytheistic cultures to create the Bible is endless. It would take at least a big book to study this sole topic.
Gary Greenberg in his book 101 Myths of the Bible explains how they proceeded: "The Hebrew philosophers looked at the Egyptian deities and identified what aspect of nature a particular god or goddess represented. Then, taking the order in which these deities appeared, the early Hebrew scribes separated the deity from the phenomena representend by the deity, and described the same sequence of natural events solely in terms of natural phenomena."9
"Subsequently, biblical scribes integrated all the Hebrew traditions and produced one of the first great works of historical writing. Still, despite their careful efforts at trying to weave a seamless tapestry of history, the results were not flawless. Traces of the original polytheism escaped the sharp eye of the redactors and remain embedded in the text."10
From the outset, the Bible is a lie, a total fabrication and we have already seen how the Jews appropriated a longevity they do not have through their calendar. In fact, the creation in which they are not involved at all, is the key and we will see why, later on.
For now let us listen:
"Structurally, Genesis 1-11 presents a fascinating insight into how the Bible evolved from a collection of polytheistic myths and legends from various cultures into a mostly coherent monotheistic account of Israelite history."11
In all the ancient texts, including the Jewish, it is clearly stated that the original religion of humanity was polytheistic. So, when the Hebrew scribes re-wrote the history they made some revealing mistakes.
"In spite of the monotheistic endeavors of the compilers and editors of the Book of Genesis, struggling to proclaim faith in a sole deity in a world that in those days believed in many gods, there remain numerous slip-ups where the biblical narrative speaks of gods in the plural. The very term for deity, ("when the lord is not specifically named as Yahweh), is not the singular Elbut the plural Elohim. When the idea of creating Adam occurs, the narrative adopts the plural language: "And Elohim (= the deities) said : 'Let us make Man in our Image and after our Likeness.' And when the incident with the Fruit of Knowing had occured, Elohim again spoke in the plural to unnamed colleagues."12
H.P Blavatsky says about Genesis: "Any student of the Bible should know that the first and second chapters of Genesis were not be written by one person. They are clearly allegories and parables, because the two accounts of creation and population of the earth diametrically contradict each other in almost every detail of order, time, place and methods used in the alleged creation." 13
"The early Christians understood so little the first four chapters of Genesis in their esoteric meaning, they never noticed not only that the disobedience involved no sin, but that the serpent was actually the Lord God, himself, who as Ophis, the Logos or the possessor of divine creative wisdom, taught humankind to become creative in turn. They did not realize that the Cross was the result of an evolution of the tree and the serpent and so became the salvation of humanity." 14
"Now that we have seen that Moses did not write the books of the Pentateuch, our next endeavor will be to ascertain when they were written, and by whom. We can say that they were not written by any one person, nor were they written at the same time. We can trace three principal redactions of the Pentateuch, that is to say, the material was worked over, and re-edited,with modifications and additions, by different people, at three distinct epochs. The two principal writers are generally known as the Jehovistic and the Elohistic. We have - in speaking of the "Eden Myth" and the legend of the "Deluge" - already alluded to this fact, and have illustrated how these writers' narratives conflict with each other."
"The Jehovistic writer is supposed to have been a prophet, who, it would seem, was anxious to give Israel a history. He begins at Genesis, ii, 4, with a short account of the "Creation", and then he carries the story on regularly until the Israelites enter Canaan. It is to him that we are indebted for the charming pictures of the patriarchs. He took these from other writings, or from the popular legends."15 Then, T.W Doane tells us that Ezra (or Ezdras) was the third scribe of the Pentateuch, who, "acting in accordance with a divine commission, re-wrote the Old Testament, the manuscripts of which were said to have been lost in the destruction of the first temple when Nebuchadnezzar took Jerusalem. This we know could not have been the case". He continues quoting Dr. Knappert :
"Before the Babylonian captivity, Israel has no sacred writings. There were certain laws, prophetic writings, and a few historical books, but no one had ever thought of ascribing binding and divine authority to these documents."
"Ezra brought the priestly law with him from Babylon, altering it and amalgamating it with the narratives and laws already in existence, and thus produced the Pentateuch in pretty much the same form (though not quite, as we shall show), as we still have it. These books got the name of the 'Law of Moses' or simply the 'Law'. Ezra introduced them into Israel and gave them binding authority, and from that time forward they were considered divine."16
"The great majority of the writers of the Old Testament had no other source of information about the past of Israel than simple tradition. Indeed, it could not have been otherwise, for in primitive times no one used to record anything in writing, and the only way of preserving a knowledge of the past was to hand it down by word of mouth. The father told the son what his elders had told him, and the son handed it on to the next generation."
"Not only did the historian of Israel draw from tradition with perfect freedom, and write down without hesitation anything they heard and what was current in the mouth of the people, but they did not shrink from modifying their representation of the past in any way that they thought would be good and useful."
"It is difficult for us to look at things from this point of view, because our ideas of historical good faith are so utterly different. When we write history, we know that we ought to be guided solely by a desire to represent facts exactly as they really happened. All that we are concerned with is reality ; we want to make the old times live again, and we take all possible pains not to remodel the past from the point of view of today. All we want to know is what happened, and how men lived, thought and worked in those days. The Israelites had a very different notion of the nature of historical composition. when a prophet or a priest related something about bygone times, his object was not ot convey knowledge about those times ; on the contrary, he used history as a vehicle for the conveyance of instruction and exhortation. Not only did he confine his narrative to such matters as he thought would serve his purpose but he never hesitated to modify what he knew of the past, and he did not think twice about touching it up from his own imagination, simply that it more conducive to the end he had in view and chime in better with his opinions.
Our own notions of honor and good faith would never permit all this ; but we must not measure ancient writers by our own standard."17
The last sentence shows the huge gap between Jews and Gentiles. While a Gentile tries to do his/her best to be honest and genuine, the Jews lie for everything all the time. I have experienced this all my life. When they need a reason, an alibi, they invented it. According to whom they speak and what they want, they can make up a full story to fit their goal.
All my life, I have seen my parents lying. My brother and I were taught that the best way to do so is to build a lie upon a truth which makes the lie look authentic. With this tactique, the bigger the lie, the more it will be believed.
It's exactly what they have done with the bible : building lies upon roots of truths and then they have erased all traces of real truths in order to make their fake truths, the only ones available.
The reader must know that a Jewish prayer exists, the Kol Nidre, which is recited at the beginning of the evening service on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). This prayer provides a divine authorization to lie all year round if needed by following a procedure made on that so special day.
So, in my opinion, the greatest problem of the Gentiles is the abyss of mentality, of consciousness between these two races. Because undoubtedly, the Gentiles and the Jews are two different races with nothing in common except their human likeness. So when the Gentiles project their frame-of-mind, their values, their consciousness, their virtues like compassion, on the Jews, they are deluded because they think that they are like them which is absolutely not the case. This serious error distorts their understanding and consequently their action.
The Jews are impostors, twisted illusionists who know perfectly the Gentile mind and how to play with. They use the Gentile core values against them, the best example is when they pretend to be victims, persons of good in order that the Gentiles feel sorry for their fate, while they are the worst tyrants. They have no consciousness nor heart, they are cold-blooded and have only one rule to achieve their goal : the end justifies the means. Because of this they will NEVER stop if they are not.
"Although they contain the same substratum of esoteric truth that all other primitive cosmogonies, the Hebrew Scriptures let ostensibly see the traces of a double origin. Their Genesis is purely and simply a reminiscence of the captivity in Babylon. The origin of the names of places, men and even objects that contains the original text can be found among the Chaldeans and the Akkadians, who were the progenitors and Aryan instructors of the former. The Akkadians were simply emigrants from India, the cradle of humanity, travelling to Asia Minor, and their priestly followers remained behind to civilize and initiate a barbarian people. "18
"In truth, the biblical Jewish history was a compilation of historical facts made from the history of other peoples and arranged in the Jewish fashion, except Genesis, which is esotericism pure and simple."19
"The Garden of Eden has never been the property of the Jews, because China, which can hardly be suspected of having had any knowledge of the Jews 2000 BC., owned in Central Asia, a primitive garden of this kind, which was inhabited by the "Dragons of Wisdom", the Initiated. A Japanese encyclopaedia locates the "Garden of Wisdom" on the Pamir plateau, between the highest peaks of the Himalayas. After describing this place as the culmination of Central Asia, we are shown the four rivers-the Oxus, Indus, Ganges and Shiloh - springing from a common source, the "Lake of Dragons". This is not the Eden of Genesis, nor the Cabalistic Garden of Eden. The first, indeed, means Wisdom, a condition similar to that of Nirvana, while in another sense, it refers to the intellectual man himself, who shelters in himself the Eden in which grows the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, of which man is the Knower."20
"The Occultists know that the serpent, the Naga and the dragon have each a sevenfold meaning. The mystics see, intuitively, in the serpent of Genesis an emblem animal and a very high spiritual essence: a cosmic force, super intelligent, a "great fallen light"; at the same time, a sidereal, aerial and tellurian spirit; from the outset, it was a symbol. In all the ancient languages, the word dragon signified what it currently means in Chinese, 'long' or 'the being who excels in intelligence' and in Greek 'one who sees'. Is it to the serpent that could be applied any one of his epithets? Is it not obvious that the qualifications mentioned above were intended to be applied to the original humans who were symbolized by Serpents and Dragons? These originals - known up to now in China to be 'the Dragons of Wisdom' were the first followers of the Lords of Wisdom, their instructors ..... ".
"... and before the Christian era, not a sane man would have confused the man with the symbol ... ".21
"The Eden of the Jews was copied from the Chaldean copy."
"The question is not whether the incident with the serpent tempting Eve is allegorical or textual, because nobody doubts that it is allegorical, but to establish the antiquity of the symbolism according to its appearance and to prove that it was not a Jewish idea, but a universal idea."22
Actually, the Jews took or rather stole all the esoteric teachings common to the great civilizations of the world (the meaning of the word universal for Blavatsky), they re-arranged them to fit their dreadful project. The Gentile peoples are much more old nations than are the Jews who have only 3600 years of earthly existence, since we can approximatively situate the birth of two humans of the Garden of Eden around -11000 years. This has for consequence that these universal teachings are part of the collective unconscious of the Gentiles. And the latter, before the Jews entered their life and their destiny, were very learned because taught directly by their gods, hence initiated, even there were different levels of knowledge as there were different levels of gifts and abilities. These teachings that have been altered, corrupted by the Jews, nevertheless resonate in the unconscious of the Gentiles, which facilitated their religious indoctrination. In addition, the rabbis used and still use Kabbalistic magic, that is an extremely powerful black magic, to make them swallow the poison more easily.
Everything of the history of Gentiles has been stolen and reused by the Jews against them. This also applies to the concept of universalism. We find in all cultures of the world, a great number of common denominators; architectural, symbolic, esoteric, revealing a very high level of knowledge which according to RA Schwaller Lubciz saying in the book The Temple of Man, about the Egyptian monuments : "We are dealing here, not with an evolution of science, but rather, on the contrary, with an immutable basis: for the existence of a language and a form of writing that were already complete from the time of the earliest dynasties of the historical periods seems to confirm this. What we see is not the beginnings of research, but the application of a Knowledge already possessed". 23
It becomes obvious when one studies these ancient civilizations that these teachings were transmitted to humanity, the Gentile/pagan nations by their gods. For sure what is left of those cultures is the result of a very high level of Knowledge that we can barely decipher.
Indeed all the evidence establish that they were founded on common core values, esoteric and spiritual teachings that can be seen all around the world. All have strong architectural similarities, the same basic teachings, the same legends. 24
It looks like if an elite had, at some point of the human history, been scattered on the surface of the Earth and several of their members had built their own kingdom; guiding and teaching people. This elite seems to be not only divine but also very benevolent and compassionate to the humans with a demonstrated willingness to educate them in order to stimulate the human evolution.
All what remains of beautiful on this nowadays damaged planet come from them.
All the spiritual and the energy teachings come from them.
In short, everything that is good for humans comes from them.
This divine elite, several gods, were revered by the people whose religion was polytheistic. So the Humans who lived near these gods have kept buried somewhere in the depths of their unconscious, memory of those days.
But today it is the principle of universalism that is advocated for the destruction of countries, peoples and civilizations.
The same principle but completely reversed.
One was to build, to teach, to guide, the other is to destroy, enslave. It is in an example like this that we can see the twisted and wicked mind of the Jews : they took all the ingredients of the human history of the Gentiles and reversed them in order to destroy.
HP Blavatsky says:"The name Jehovah's purposely created by the rabbis, is a secret they were hiding with ten times more care since the Christians stripped them of the divine name which was their property." 26
Indeed, the Christians pray Jehovah/Yahweh who is the god of the Jews, and in this regard the Pope has recently requested that the divine name must be withdrawn from the prayers. Dated August 12, 2008 on the U.S. website Catholic News Service, it is said under the title "No 'Yahweh' in songs, prayers at Catholic Masses, Vatican rules". "A note from the Vatican has reiterated the directive that the name of God revealed in the tetragrammaton YHWH is not to be pronounced in Catholic liturgy................ and it appears in various forms written or spoken, including Yahweh, Jehovah and Jahweh."
And now, we are told that "The Jews did not kill Jesus, pope writes in new book ".
This evolution of history aims to reconcile Christian and Jews.
Like the Jews, the Christian clergy wears the traditionnal Kippah which is required by the Law of the god of the Jewish people!
Blavatsky still says:"It is proven that the Jewish Deity is, at the very most, just both aspects of the manifested divine, nothing more, and never The Absolute One God."27
Which in other words, means that the Jewish god is one of the numerous deities, nothing more. Though I do not agree much with Theosophy, it is obvious that on thousands pages of reading, some truths transpire.
YHVH/Yahweh/Jehovah is nothing more than a system of Jewish magic. I repeat, the Jewish religion is not spiritual. It is a political program of which the goal is to control of humanity for destruction. The religions have been created as a tool to get the populaces under control.
Everything in the so-called Jewish religion is at first "magic". Behind the scene, the Jews use magic that, in fact, is alchemy to obtain power for them and to enslave the Gentiles, the non- Jews.
YHVH, the tetragammaton, represents the four directions and the four elements which are fundamental to any magical work. The Jews have stolen the Kabbalah (Ka-Ba-Ankh) from the Egyptians and have corrupted it to fit their goals.
The "religious" elite does not work like normal people; their sole job is to pray for the Jews and to curse the non-Jews. They use magic to protect the Jews and make them flourish and succeed in everything. And Black magic against their enemies, namely, the Gentiles. They get paid for their job by the Jewish community.
Christians, former Gentiles/ pagans who ignore these magic and occult works of Jews on them pour since two thousand years by their devotion and their fervent prayers more psychic energy in the Jewish vortex which feed the Jews.
It is pointless to ask why the Jews are so powerful and rich. They can thank the Christians.
It is also the reason why the Jewish Encyclopedia tells us about thePresent status of the Gentiles that "With the conversion of the Gentile to Christianity or Islam, the restrictions placed on the ancient Gentile are not applicable to the Gentile of the present day."28
Since near two thousands years, the Christians pray for their own destruction.
Explaining why is Christianity false !
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We have already seen that the Jews created Christianity in order to submit the Gentiles through their conversion to the Jewish god.
"The early Church had no other sacred books than those in use in the Synagogue, and on these were based the claims of the Messiahship of Jesus as "the fulfilment of Scripture".
"In the course of time, however, the custom adopted from the Synagogue of reading at the service epistles of apocalyptic or Messianic character not merely established the regular reading of the apostolic epistles in the Church, but made the reading of the story of the advent and doings of Jesus as the good tidings or gospel ( "good spell") an essential part of the service." 29
The New Testament turns out to be the extension of the Old Testament. "The names "Old" and "New" serve as terms of identification for the Jewish writers." 30
Again it is because of Paul of Tarsus system introducing Jesus Christ as the mediator with the gospels and other apostolic writings which made the texts divided in two parts.
Consequently "the Hebrew Scripture became the Old Covenant or Testament while Jesus was regarded as the mediator of the New". 31
"The name of the New Testament was given by the Christian Church, at the close of the second century, to the gospels and to other apostolic writings inasmuch as they were composed with the purpose of showing that by the advent of Jesus of Nazareth the Messianic prophecies had been fulfilled and a new covenant had taken place."32
"That the prophet's words do not imply an abrogation of the Law is evidenced by his emphatic declaration of the immutability of the covenant with Israel; he obviously looked for a rewewal of the Law through a regeneration of the hearts of the people."33
"The gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were in the main composed between 80 and 150 CE; each relates, with a characteristic tendency of its own, the story of Jesus from the time of the appearance of John the Baptist until the "resurrection" with the purpose of showing that he was the looked-for Messiah of the Jewish prophecies." 34
"As a matter of fact, the discrepancies in the record extend over all parts of the Four Gospels and invalidate the claim of historicity advanced for Mark or for any other of the gospels. For instance, it is very singular that the only possible date for the crucifixion is found in the late fourth gospel......" 35
So as tells us the Jewish Encyclopedia, the Gospels are unhistorical.
Once again, it is clear when reading this chapter that according the nature of the new religion, namely Christianity, of which the teachings were completely at the opposite of the Jewish teachings (the first ones being passive, submissive, compliant, non violent, "loving"... while the second were aggressive, violent, domineering, arogant, coercive, hateful and cruel), the Jews had to divide the texts in two parts. Consequently, the Old Testament was addressed to the attention of the Jewish people while the New Testament with its self-debasement teachings was addressed to the newly spiritual slaves of the Jews, namely: the Christians, former Gentiles.
The Jews or rather their already new servant, the Church waited that the writings of the gospels were finished to baptize the new texts.
Thus, it is Jesus, the key player of Christianity, who makes the sacred texts "tip over" from ingnominy to simpleton bliss; in other words from Old to New Testaments.
"It's worthy to notice that this story of the Fall of Man, upon which the whole orthodox scheme of a divine Saviour or Redeemer is based, was not considered by the learned Israelites as fact. They simply looked upon it as a story which satisfied the ignorant, but which should be considered as allegory by the learned.
Rabbi Maimonides (Moses Ben Maimon), one of the most celebrated of the Rabbis, says ont this subject: "We must not understand or take in a literal sense, what is written in the book on the Creation, nor form of it the same ideas which have participated by the generality of mankind; otherwise our ancient sages would not have so much recommended to us, to hide the real meaning of it, and not to lift the allegorical veil, which covers the truth contained therein. When taken in its literal sense, the work gives the most absurd and most extravagant ideas of the deity. 'Whosoever should divine its true meaning ought to take care in not divulging it."This is a maxim repeated to us by all our sages, principally concerning the understanding of the work of the six days. "36
The ban to access the Knowledge proves that god is an impostor. He does not want that Humans discover the Truth. Because for sure, if they will, they will develop they psychic powers and free themselves from his cruel tyranny.
And this would kill this faker who would not be anymore fed by their blind devotion. We know that god is jealous : he wants no competition. The first of the Ten Commandments says very clearly: "You shall have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:2-17).
Why ?
Because, he is afraid to lose his already spiritual slaves if they find out the Truth.
So he needs to use everything to avoid at all costs that the truth is disclosed, using fear, terror and incessant guilt...........in order to maintain the humans far far away from the Serpent.
Thus, it is Jesus, the key player of Christianity, who makes the sacred texts "tip over" from ingnominy to simpleton bliss; in other words from Old to New Testaments.
"It's worthy to notice that this story of the Fall of Man, upon which the whole orthodox scheme of a divine Saviour or Redeemer is based, was not considered by the learned Israelites as fact. They simply looked upon it as a story which satisfied the ignorant, but which should be considered as allegory by the learned.
Rabbi Maimonides (Moses Ben Maimon), one of the most celebrated of the Rabbis, says ont this subject: "We must not understand or take in a literal sense, what is written in the book on the Creation, nor form of it the same ideas which have participated by the generality of mankind; otherwise our ancient sages would not have so much recommended to us, to hide the real meaning of it, and not to lift the allegorical veil, which covers the truth contained therein. When taken in its literal sense, the work gives the most absurd and most extravagant ideas of the deity. 'Whosoever should divine its true meaning ought to take care in not divulging it."This is a maxim repeated to us by all our sages, principally concerning the understanding of the work of the six days. "36
I know that this image must be in the chapter of the Creation/Genesis but as I already said the story of Adam and Eve with the Serpent and the Tree of Knowledge is at the basis of the New Testament which has for key player:JESUS
According to the Bible, the Serpent, Satan, made Adam and Eve taste the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, contrary to the divine ban. Thus, he, the Serpent, Satan, provided the knowledge to the humans and therefore, the capacity of choice, the free will.
In fact, the famous snake has gifted Man by instilling in Him the possibility to cut oneself loose of the dictates of the false god.
The ban to access the Knowledge proves that god is an impostor. He does not want that Humans discover the Truth. Because for sure, if they will, they will develop they psychic powers and free themselves from his cruel tyranny.
And this would kill this faker who would not be anymore fed by their blind devotion. We know that god is jealous : he wants no competition. The first of the Ten Commandments says very clearly: "You shall have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:2-17).
Why ?
Because, he is afraid to lose his already spiritual slaves if they find out the Truth.
So he needs to use everything to avoid at all costs that the truth is disclosed, using fear, terror and incessant guilt...........in order to maintain the humans far far away from the Serpent.
So, because of the Fall of Man, the disobediance of Adam and Eve, the first humans, all the generations of Man to come will be sinners and automatically guilty. In fact, humanity shares a collective guilt because they descended from Adam and Eve, the first humans.
What is very weird, the Jews do not share this sin nor guilt.
Does this mean that they are not humans ??
Let us continue with the sinners.
Because the Humans, namely the Gentile nations who were the sole inhabitants on earth before the arrival of Jews, were sinners, the fictitious Jesus came and became their savior redeemer. Jesus died on the cross to redeem the sins of the Gentiles.
What is very weird, the Jews do not share this sin nor guilt.
Does this mean that they are not humans ??
Let us continue with the sinners.
Because the Humans, namely the Gentile nations who were the sole inhabitants on earth before the arrival of Jews, were sinners, the fictitious Jesus came and became their savior redeemer. Jesus died on the cross to redeem the sins of the Gentiles.
There is no worst way to make the masses feel guilty in order to keep them under control!
As says very clearly the Jewish Encyclopedia,"In adopting the doctrine of Original Sin, the Church deprived man of both his moral and his intellectual birthright as a child of God, and declared all the generations of man to have been born in sin - a belief accepted also by the Lutherans in the Augsburg Confession and by Calvin."
"The Church, Catholic and Protestant alike, consigns without exception all those who do not believe in Jesus to the eternal doom of hell. Christ's descent into hell to liberate his own soul from the pangs of eternal doom became, therefore, one of the fundamentals of Apostolic creed." 37So, we are told that the "coming of Christ is viewed as a battle with Satan."
Satan, the Serpent, who is fully responsible for having tempted Adam and Eve with the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Consequently, if Adam and Eve and after them all the generations of humans to come were sinners and will forever, it is because of Satan.
It is the major reason why Jesus Christ stepped in as mediator to save and redeem the sinners. Hence, Christ's battle against Satan to keep the sinners away from Satan.
The problem is that the Jewish Encyclopedia explained to the reader that the heathen nations worshipped a god who is not the god of the Jews. And the Jews named this god who was their adversary, their opponent, Satan.
The well-known Tree of Knowledge symbolizes the Knowledge given to the Gentile people by their gods in the ancient civilizations before the entry of the Jews in human history, namely : Egypt, India..etc..
This Knowledge would give them the possibility to access godhood and that is what the god of the Jewish people wanted to avoid at all costs.
So the Jews had for mission to destroy the spiritual and psychologic potentials of the Gentile and the strategy was to do so through religion.
By this, the Jews killed two birds with one stone : they enslaved the Gentile, degenerating the race while they took all their energy: spiritually, financially and finally their life. It's the principle of communicating vessels. It is the principle of the parasite.
The Jewish mercenaries coerced the Gentiles into converting to Christianity. They had to abandon their polytheistic religion and their gods, the Egyptian pantheon.
The Gentile who did not accept were killed. In other words, to stay alive, the Gentiles had to adopt Christianity. By converting to Christianity, they renounced to their previous allegiance and became the spiritual slaves of the Jews and their god.
When the Jews will succeed to exterminate the major part of the Gentiles, those left alive will be their slaves and the Jews will own the earth and live like pashas.
Let us read what says HP Blavatsky about Satan : "The qualifier Satan, in hebrew Sâtân, or Adversary (from the verb Shatana, to be the opponent) rightfully belongs to the first and cruelest Adversary of all other Gods - Jehovah - not to the Serpent who only articulated words of sympathy and wisdom."38
As usual, the truth is reversed. The enemy of humankind is not Satan but Yahweh/ Jehovah. Satan seems to be the benevolent god, true creator of humanity who loves his creation and taught her the Knowledge.
Yahweh/Jehovah, the wicked, blames Satan for all the ignominies he commits, himself and his chosen people. This strategy to be sure to maintain far away Satan from his children.
For this undeniable reason, Satan must remain the absolute evil, a cruel monster.
As I already said, all the texts are obsessed with Satan. These so-called sacred scriptures dedicate thousands of pages against him. This proves undoubtably that he represents their major problem, a potent threat to deserve such a treatment.
In the Jewish Encyclopedia, it is stated that "the Book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament, is a Jewish work." "It is even one of the oldest!"
"The Book of Revelation remain under its christian cloak a Jewish document. "39
This Book is what God gave "to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass", and at the same time, that of the revelation of Jesus Christ to his servant. Again, when Jesus stepped in as a new key player because of the Paul of Tarsus system : "God, as father and just Ruler, was pushed into the background; and the Christ - who in the Gospels as well as in the Jewish apocalyptic literature figured as judge of the souls under God's sovereignty - was rendered the central figure....to combat Satan and his kingdom of evil". 39bis
"The Book of Revelation remain under its christian cloak a Jewish document. "39
This Book is what God gave "to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass", and at the same time, that of the revelation of Jesus Christ to his servant. Again, when Jesus stepped in as a new key player because of the Paul of Tarsus system : "God, as father and just Ruler, was pushed into the background; and the Christ - who in the Gospels as well as in the Jewish apocalyptic literature figured as judge of the souls under God's sovereignty - was rendered the central figure....to combat Satan and his kingdom of evil". 39bis
So, the original prophecies made by God were transfered to John. "The compiler interpolated the two sections -the main apocalypse and the letters to the seven churches - into one so as to make the whole appear as emanating from John."
In other words, it means that the Jews kept the substance of what have been said by god, re-arranged it by adding what was at the core of the new concept of Christianity and put the words of the latter in the mouth of John.
"The succeeding part contains several Jewish apocalypses worked into one, so altered, interpolated and remodeled as to impress the reader."40
Everyone knows that it is the Book of Revelation who warns about the Synagogue of Satan.
Indeed, the so-called Synagogue of Satan will become very useful at a crucial moment as propaganda tool. God and his chosen people planned it long ago knowing that they will need it during the course of their strategy. The goal is to persuade that the wicked ones who pretend to be Jews are not, they are from Satan. Because, of course, the Jews can only be martyr, good and benevolent persons, eternal innocent victims.
THE ANGELS In other words, it means that the Jews kept the substance of what have been said by god, re-arranged it by adding what was at the core of the new concept of Christianity and put the words of the latter in the mouth of John.
"The succeeding part contains several Jewish apocalypses worked into one, so altered, interpolated and remodeled as to impress the reader."40
Everyone knows that it is the Book of Revelation who warns about the Synagogue of Satan.
Indeed, the so-called Synagogue of Satan will become very useful at a crucial moment as propaganda tool. God and his chosen people planned it long ago knowing that they will need it during the course of their strategy. The goal is to persuade that the wicked ones who pretend to be Jews are not, they are from Satan. Because, of course, the Jews can only be martyr, good and benevolent persons, eternal innocent victims.
"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer . . . be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. . . . Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Revelation 2:9-10, 3:9.
We know now that this book is of Jewish fabrication from beginning to end. This proves beyond a doubt that it's propaganda to hide their atrocities. Always the scapegoat.
Again the Christians are deluded. Again it's a canard to fool the non Jews. Because every single Jew knows that Synagogue and Satan are two opposite principles : synagogue represents the Jewish religion while satan (meaning adversary, opponent in hebrew) is the sworn enemy of the Jews.
So the concept of the Synagogue of Satan is totally antinomic.
Once again, the Jews use their favorite scapegoat to hide and transfer their cruelties. Since the beginning of their story, they created the concept of "scapegoat" in order to blame others for their own ruthlessness.
And it appears that Satan is their favorite scapegoat regarding their worst crimes.
I now understand why I so often heard my grand father, who was freemason, saying how stupid were the Christians ! And I understand also why the Jews are so arrogant.
The Gentile must wake up to the truth !
With the Jews, everything is always and has always been reversed, when they slander somebody, you can be sure that he or she is the opposite of what the Jews claim.
I experienced this myself all my life. Since the beginning, they use propaganda, as they acknowledge themselves, their goal is to impregnate the human minds with lies, lies, and lies and because of Jesus, the Christians fell in the trap !
" Even if the Pope himself did not express such a sentiment, Bale - a high ranking Church official - certainly is acknowledging someone's viewpoint, which means that at that time there were doubters in the gospel story as a fable. Since I have been online, beginning in 1995, many individuals have written to me about having ministers, seminarians, Catholic clergymen, Jesuits, Presbyterians, et al. relating that, in the higher levels of the Church educational institutions, 'they know it is all myth'. As Wheeless says 'The proofs of my indictment are marvelously easy."
We know now that this book is of Jewish fabrication from beginning to end. This proves beyond a doubt that it's propaganda to hide their atrocities. Always the scapegoat.
Again the Christians are deluded. Again it's a canard to fool the non Jews. Because every single Jew knows that Synagogue and Satan are two opposite principles : synagogue represents the Jewish religion while satan (meaning adversary, opponent in hebrew) is the sworn enemy of the Jews.
So the concept of the Synagogue of Satan is totally antinomic.
Once again, the Jews use their favorite scapegoat to hide and transfer their cruelties. Since the beginning of their story, they created the concept of "scapegoat" in order to blame others for their own ruthlessness.
And it appears that Satan is their favorite scapegoat regarding their worst crimes.
I now understand why I so often heard my grand father, who was freemason, saying how stupid were the Christians ! And I understand also why the Jews are so arrogant.
The Gentile must wake up to the truth !
With the Jews, everything is always and has always been reversed, when they slander somebody, you can be sure that he or she is the opposite of what the Jews claim.
I experienced this myself all my life. Since the beginning, they use propaganda, as they acknowledge themselves, their goal is to impregnate the human minds with lies, lies, and lies and because of Jesus, the Christians fell in the trap !
"What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us!"
Pope Leo X
" The assertion that Jesus is a myth can be demonstrated not only through the works of dissenters and 'Pagans' who knew the truth - and who were viciously refuted or murdered for their battle against the Christian priests and Church fathers fooling the masses with their fictions - but also through the statements of various Christians themselves who disclosed that they knew Jesus Christ was a myth founded upon more ancient deities located throughout the known ancient world. Illustrating this contention, in his play from 1564, Bishop of Ossory John Bale (1495-1563- appears to be suggesting that Pope Leo X (1475- 1521) was privy to the truth based on his high rank, when the bishop recounts an alleged exchange between Cardinal Bembo (1470-1547) and Pope Leo X, with the latter supposedly exclaiming, "What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us! ". Pope Leo X
Let's listen D.M Murdoch in her book The Origins of Christianity and the Quest for the Historical Jesus Christ:
" Even if the Pope himself did not express such a sentiment, Bale - a high ranking Church official - certainly is acknowledging someone's viewpoint, which means that at that time there were doubters in the gospel story as a fable. Since I have been online, beginning in 1995, many individuals have written to me about having ministers, seminarians, Catholic clergymen, Jesuits, Presbyterians, et al. relating that, in the higher levels of the Church educational institutions, 'they know it is all myth'. As Wheeless says 'The proofs of my indictment are marvelously easy."
The angels serve the god of the Jews who is the enemy of humanity.
Let's see what says the Jewish Encyclopedia about archangels and angels !
"In one form or another the belief in angels appears in the earliest stages of Jewish history, and continues to live in the spiritual world of the Jews andthose professing the religions that sprang from Judaism; namely, Christianity and Mohammedanism."
"When God strove with the Egyptians at the Red Sea, angels wanted to take part in the contest."
"Angels interested themselves deeply in the destiny of Israel.
"Angels help at the construction of Solomon's Temple; they weep over its destruction. 39
Four Angels of the Throne:
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Fanuel (Uriel) are introduced as "the four angels of the face of lord (remind that Lord is the god of the jewish people and the enemy of humanity).
Four angels standing before the face of God as leaders of four troops of angels glorifying the most high, who is seated in the midst of them.
"The angels mediate between God and man."
"Angels endowed with the divine knowledge appear in the apocalyptic and rabbinic literature as the teachers of men." This is related to the New age channeling and teachings which one more time is from the Jews and their tool of death, Christianity. 40
AND ALL OF THE DEMONS ARE GENTILE GODS ! Look at this excerpt of the Catholic Encyclopedia -Devil worship :
"In the same way the Greeks and Romans may have worshipped their divinities, fondly believing them to be good. But the Christian Scriptures declare that all the gods of the Gentiles are demons."
You may consider and study both the Jewish and the Catholic Encyclopedia and see how blatant all this is !
In addition, I am in the process of posting about the meaning of the word SATAN which in Sanskrit means TRUTH !!
The Jews stole a lot of material from Ancient India : the star of Vishnu became the star of David and the Hebrew language has a sanskrit root.
The main sources that the Jews stole from to make up their fake story and fake status are from Ancient Egypt and Ancient India !
Both are civilizations of the TRUE GOD OF HUMAKIND :
The Jews have nothing on their own. It's part of their parasitic nature. Because as you have already understood, they are not part of humanity.
They have been engineered by genetic manipulations. The major part of their DNA come from reptilian genes and a very little amount of human DNA was added in order they looked humans !
Everything they claim ownership has always been stolen and corrupted with their Kabbalah which is a very powerful black magic against the Gentiles.
The Jews have nothing on their own. It's part of their parasitic nature. Because as you have already understood, they are not part of humanity.
They have been engineered by genetic manipulations. The major part of their DNA come from reptilian genes and a very little amount of human DNA was added in order they looked humans !
Everything they claim ownership has always been stolen and corrupted with their Kabbalah which is a very powerful black magic against the Gentiles.
"The claim to consider the cross as a purely Christian symbol introduced after our era, is really weird ....... Indeed, one can find traces of the cross into the unfathomable depths of the archaic times. The mystery that enveloped it thickens rather than clears, when we find it on the statues of Easter Island, in Ancient Egypt or in Central Asia carved on rock in the shape of Tau or of Swastika and in the pre-Christian Scandinavia, in fact, everywhere!" 42
1- "Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions being a comparison of the Old and New Testaments Myths and Miracles with those of Heathen Nations of Antiquity" by T.W Doane, 1882, p.54 And then, HP Blavatsky refers her readers to the two very interesting books on this subject : Natural Genesis by Gerald Massey.
"The Hebrews - whose prophet Moses was so interested in the esoteric Knowledge of Egypt - ingeniously adapted the cosmic and anthropological symbols of the pagan nations to their own secret traditions. The primary system, the double glyph hidden under the idea of the cross is not a human invention because it is based on the cosmic ideation and the spiritual representation of divine Human-Ego."43
Before I give my conclusion, here is the final quote.
"The Jews considered themselves the chosen of Yahweh and attributed to Him their every victory, defeat or chastisement...No other people has ever been so conscious of ultimate primacy through supernatural intervention. This has given them cohesion and courage to persevere....The conviction that every Jew will one day share in his divine destiny as a member of the world's ruling race has made him proud and has enabled him to survive unassimilated among the nations of the earth..."
"According to scripture, the Gentiles would embrace the Jewish religion, and the Jewish empire would extend to all ends of the earth. Included in the promised inheritance was a deliverer or messiah to bring about 'the kingdom'. This messiah would be either a temporal, human leader who with its armies would overthrow the enemies of Israel, or a supernatural being who would do likewise, establishing an 'everlasting' Jewish kingdom as well....."
"The Jewish imperialism would thus come as the awaited deliverer destroyed the enemies and gave their booty to Israel. This messiah shall bring judgment upon the Gentiles and they shall become slaves of Judah...."44
My conclusion is perfectly clear : As long as the Gentiles, the Goyim, the non-Jews will not call into question the lies of the Bible that is the first and most powerful tool of the Jewish propaganda, they will go nowhere and will remain in the biblical paddock in which they have been put by the Jews until they are ready to go to the slaughterhouse, which is not far off now.
The only way to go out of this prison in order to regain freedom and the right to live is to expose the fraud of the Bible. It is a weapon of propaganda that has been designed to enslave the minds and the bodies of the Gentiles before their extermination planned long ago by the god of the chosen people.
I did not invent anything.
First of all as a Jewish woman, I experienced difficulties and suffering just because I was different and asked relentlessly tricky questions. Because I never got any satisfactory answer, I began to do my own research and read all the Jewish texts including the Talmud.
But the reader must know that women in judaism have no right to study thesacred texts and have no right on their own. Their life and destiny are in the hands of their fathers and then their husbands.
My grand father warned me several times that I put my life at risk. But I did not understand until recently why he told me that.
For me, no doubt that the Jews are on earth for one and unique goal : to destroy the human race.
And all the Jews have been programmed for that goal.
From the start, they considered and treated the Gentiles as animals, beasts in human form, just as good to be their slaves.
From semi-divine beings, the Jews degenerated the human race spiritually and psychologically to the point, that everyone can see, now.
From spiritual beings, the Jews confined the Gentiles to live a material life where money and possessions are their unique interest.
From beings with high virtues and values, the Jews dehumanized the Gentiles in order that money surpasses morality.
The Jews reversed everything. They claimed to be the chosen people they are not. The Gentile are because there were born from divine descent.
The Jews claim all the time they are victims and innocent people : again lies. They are the cruelest creatures, you can barely imagine.
The Jews know perfectly the Gentile mind and their way of thinking and use it against them.
Before I give my conclusion, here is the final quote.
"The Jews considered themselves the chosen of Yahweh and attributed to Him their every victory, defeat or chastisement...No other people has ever been so conscious of ultimate primacy through supernatural intervention. This has given them cohesion and courage to persevere....The conviction that every Jew will one day share in his divine destiny as a member of the world's ruling race has made him proud and has enabled him to survive unassimilated among the nations of the earth..."
"When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D
"The Jewish imperialism would thus come as the awaited deliverer destroyed the enemies and gave their booty to Israel. This messiah shall bring judgment upon the Gentiles and they shall become slaves of Judah...."44
My conclusion is perfectly clear : As long as the Gentiles, the Goyim, the non-Jews will not call into question the lies of the Bible that is the first and most powerful tool of the Jewish propaganda, they will go nowhere and will remain in the biblical paddock in which they have been put by the Jews until they are ready to go to the slaughterhouse, which is not far off now.
The only way to go out of this prison in order to regain freedom and the right to live is to expose the fraud of the Bible. It is a weapon of propaganda that has been designed to enslave the minds and the bodies of the Gentiles before their extermination planned long ago by the god of the chosen people.
I did not invent anything.
First of all as a Jewish woman, I experienced difficulties and suffering just because I was different and asked relentlessly tricky questions. Because I never got any satisfactory answer, I began to do my own research and read all the Jewish texts including the Talmud.
But the reader must know that women in judaism have no right to study thesacred texts and have no right on their own. Their life and destiny are in the hands of their fathers and then their husbands.
My grand father warned me several times that I put my life at risk. But I did not understand until recently why he told me that.
For me, no doubt that the Jews are on earth for one and unique goal : to destroy the human race.
And all the Jews have been programmed for that goal.
From the start, they considered and treated the Gentiles as animals, beasts in human form, just as good to be their slaves.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef " Gentiles exist only to serve Jews"
The Jerusalem Post 18/10/2010
Rabbi Dov Lior : "Gentile sperm leads to barbaric offspring"
ynetnews.com 12/01/2011
From semi-divine beings, the Jews degenerated the human race spiritually and psychologically to the point, that everyone can see, now.
From spiritual beings, the Jews confined the Gentiles to live a material life where money and possessions are their unique interest.
From beings with high virtues and values, the Jews dehumanized the Gentiles in order that money surpasses morality.
The Jews reversed everything. They claimed to be the chosen people they are not. The Gentile are because there were born from divine descent.
The Jews claim all the time they are victims and innocent people : again lies. They are the cruelest creatures, you can barely imagine.
The Jews know perfectly the Gentile mind and their way of thinking and use it against them.
So if we summarize :
- The Jews have an hidden agenda of which the goal is to degenerate the human race with a final outcome that is their nearly complete extermination
- The Jews at the top of the strategy know since the begining the truth about the divine status of the Gentiles
- The Jews came on earth with a goal and specifications to achieve it
- They made up a full story that started with the Old Testament to support their so called history which is a complete lie built upon stolen material from ancient pagan civilizations
- The Jews used all the psychic and intellectual capacities of the Gentiles against them and the New Testament has been fabricated to fit these
- Because of their cruel strategy the Jews needed a scapegoat and knew from the outset that at one crucial stage of their strategy, they will appear before the whole world as ruthless monsters, so they prepared in advance a response to counteract this, namely : the Synagogue of satan which purpose is to make people believe that the wicked ones are not Jews but satanic beings, while the Jews remain safe. This tactique is all beneficial : they are not disturbed to continue their horrors.
- The Gentile people were brainwashed, manipulated and cursed since more than 2000 years, they are programmed to believe every word of the Bible because this damned book has been adapted to their psychic and intellectual capacities.
All remain quietly in the paddock and ran to seek refuge to Jesus, who of course will never save them. I can understand that it could be very difficult and painful to discover the truth but it is the unique way to save your life, those of your beloved ones and... of your race.
You must know that the Jews are responsible for all your pain since millenia.
I shall do my best to explain everything in every domain of our life.
After it is up to you to take action or not.
The next step is the murder of the majority of humankind in an atrocious, cruel and inconceivable manner for a normal mind, I mean a Gentile mind.
2 - ibid p.92
3 - "Les Juifs, le Monde et l'Argent" par Jacques Attali p.103
4 - ibid
5 - ibid
6 - ibid p. 104
6 bis - chapter of the history of the creation of mankind
7 - "Min" in the Jewish Encyclopedia : "The term Min is applied to five classes of heretics: to those who deny the existence of God and His providence : to whose who believe in two or in more than two gods; to those who ascribe to God form and figure; to those who maintain that there existed before the creation of the world something besides God; and to those who worshipes stars, planets or other things in order that these may act as intermediaries between them and the Master of the World."
8 - The Soncino Babyonian Talmud - Tractate Shabbah - Folio 116a
9 - "101 Myths of the Bible - How Ancient Scribes invented Biblical History" by Gary Greenberg p.6
10 - ibid p.7
11 - ibid p.3
12 - The Stairway to Heaven by Zecharia Sitchin p. 131-132
13 - Isis Dévoilée (Isis Unveiled) by HP Blavatsky - (French version) p.769
14 - "Abrégé de la Doctrine Secrète", HP Blavatsky, p.339 (Abridged of the Secrete Doctrine - French version )
15 - "Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions being a comparison of the Old and New Testaments Myths and Miracles with those of Heathen Nations of Antiquity" by T.W Doane, 1882, p.93
16 - ibid p.95
17 - ibid p.97
18 - "Abrégé de la Doctrine Secrète", HP Blavatsky, p.335 - 336 (Abridged of the Secrete Doctrine - French version )
19 - ibid p.336
20 - ibid
21- ibid p.338
22 - ibid p.337
23 - "The Temple in Man, Sacred Architecture and the Perfect Man", R.A Schwaller de Lubciz p.20
24 - for all the universal symbolism and more about the ancient civilizations, see the books and videos of Graham Hancock
25 - "Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions being a comparison of the Old and New Testaments Myths and Miracles with those of Heathen Nations of Antiquity" by T.W Doane, 1882,p. 100
26 - "Abrégé de la Doctrine Secrète", HP Blavatsky, p.343 (Abridged of the Secrete Doctrine - French version )
27 - ibid p. 381
28 - ibid p.386
29 - New Testament in Jewish Encyclopedia
30 - ibid
31 - ibid
32 - ibid
33 - ibid
34 - ibid
35 - ibid
36 - In Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions being a comparison of the Old and New Testament Myths and Miracles with those of Heathen Nations of Antiquity, T.W Doane p.100
37- "Christianity in its relation to Judaism" in the Jewish Encyclopedia
38 - "Abrégé de la Doctrine Secrète", HP Blavatsky, p.343 (Abridged of the Secrete Doctrine - French version )
39 - Book of Revelation in Jewish Encyclopedia.
39 bis - ibid
40 - Angeology in Jewish Encyclopedia
41- ibid
42-"Abrégé de la Doctrine Secrète", HP Blavatsky, p.382 (Abridged of the Secrete Doctrine - French version )
43 - ibid
44 - "The Christ Conspiracy - The greatest story ever sold" by Acharya s p 227